Bronx, New York Trip and Fall Attorneys

Trip and fall accidents are among the most common personal injury claims in New York and the United States, accounting for approximately 15% of all workplace injuries, and over 9 million emergency room visits each year. Despite its prevalence, trip and fall accidents can lead to severe, even long-term injuries to pedestrians, including soft tissue damage, broken bones, and head trauma. Whether it’s an uneven sidewalk or spilled liquid, owners, renters, and workers are legally responsible for ensuring their property remains safe and hazard-free. Failure to do so could make them liable for any injuries occurring from their negligence. If you or a loved one have experienced a trip or falling accident, contact the trip and fall attorneys at Pryor Law to discuss your accident. You may be entitled to significant compensation.

About New York Trip and Fall Accidents

Common Causes of Trip and Fall Accidents

Whether it’s carelessness or negligence, trip and fall accidents can occur for numerous reasons; however, they typically happen when property owners, tenants, and maintenance staff fail to adequately maintain their premises. Some examples include:

  • Failure to warn patrons of wet or slippery floors
  • Uneven or broken sidewalks 
  • Potholes
  • Elevator and escalator accidents 
  • Loose floorboards, stairs, or carpets
  • Missing or damaged hand railings
  • Loose cables or wires
  • Open or unattended sidewalk cellar doors

In all of these instances, the accidents could have easily been avoided with proper maintenance practices, whether it’s repaving an uneven sidewalk or simply warning patrons.

Common Trip and Fall Injuries

Trip and fall accidents can lead to various injuries, both minor and severe. The most common injuries include the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Soft tissue damage, such as torn ligaments
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Head trauma, including concussions
  • Death

Who is liable for my trip or fall injuries?

Several parties may be responsible for your accident. In most cases, one or more of the following parties will be liable:

  • Property Owners and Landlords: Property owners and landlords are responsible for maintaining their premises. Hazards, such as icy or uneven sidewalks may cause the property owner to be liable.
  • Property Managers and Superintendents: if a property owner has delegated the responsibility to maintain the property to a property manager or superintendent, they could be liable for accidents
  • Property tenants: Like property owners, tenants are also often responsible for maintaining their property. Any accidents, such as a slip and fall injury inside a store, may result in them being liable. 
  • Local governments: When a trip and fall injury occurs on public property, such as city streets, or government buildings, the government is liable for your accident and damages. Local governments are responsible for maintaining public property, and they can be held accountable for their negligence.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Retaining the services of an experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure you get adequate compensation for your injuries. Insurance companies often avoid paying out claims to save money, even if their policyholder is responsible for your accident and injuries. For this reason, it’s crucial that you speak with a personal injury attorney before providing any written or verbal statements. Our attorneys at Pryor Law conduct thorough investigations to determine the cause of the accident and identify evidence, which include the following: 

  • Investigating the accident scene and taking photos
  • Identifying liable parties and any past or present violations
  • Identifying evidence, such as security cameras
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Reviewing medical records to determine damages and provide clients with a detailed case assessment.

Additionally, victims of trip and fall accidents should take the following steps to help strengthen their case:

  • Take photos: The cause of your trip and fall accident, such as an uneven sidewalk, could be repaired before our investigators take pictures. Taking pictures immediately after your accident will provide crucial evidence.
  • Identify Witnesses: Write down the names and phone numbers of any witnesses. Not only can they help prove your accident took place but noting their contact information will help streamline the interview process.
  • Take Notes: Write down or record a narration of your accident, and be sure to note the date, time, and location of your accident, where you were coming from and going, and the cause of your injury. Additionally, be sure to retain any medical records or invoices, as they will help determine your damages.

Contact Pryor Law 

At Pryor Law, we have decades of experience handling trip and fall personal injury claims, and our results speak for themselves. If you or a loved one have been injured in a New York trip and fall accident and believe that someone else may be at fault, contact our experienced Bronx, New York trip and fall accident attorneys at (718) 829-0222 or fill out our online form for a free, no-obligation consultation. You may be entitled to significant compensation. We can help you gather the appropriate documents and evidence and conduct a thorough investigation to ensure you get the compensation you deserve, even if it means going to trial. Our office is located in the Bronx, New York, and our experienced personal injury attorneys are ready to fight for you.

Statute of Limitations

Don’t wait to contact an experienced trip and fall attorney, as there is a time limit. The statute of limitations for trip and fall accidents only extends three (3) years from the date of the accident, meaning you must file your lawsuit within three years of sustaining or injuries. If your trip and fall accident occurred on public property, the statute of limitations is only 90 days from the date of the accident, as you will need to file a lawsuit against a government entity. Failure to do so could result in a rejected case, meaning you will not be able to receive compensation for your injuries. 

Pryor Law

292 City Island Ave., Bronx, NY 10464

Phone: 718-829-0222 | Email: